未分類 Introduction of EIJI NISHIDA & NISHIDA METHOD Introduction of EIJI NISHIDA & NISHIDA METHOD NISHIDA METHOD is created by Mr.Eiji Nishida, which leads minds and consci... 2023.03.03 未分類
General GREETING for ESTABLISHMENT of “MARITIME JAPAN Co., Ltd” I have served as a Maritime Writer and a Maritime Consultant for one and a half years. Now I announce that “MARITIME JAP... 2020.12.30 General
General From 40 Days to 14 Days Not only Japan but also all over the world struggle to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Travelers are require... 2020.04.02 GeneralHistory
General SERVICE Based on the skill accumulated by the work, experiment and so on as a design engineer in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in ... 2020.02.19 General
未分類 PROFILE プロフィール/PROFILE 1965年生まれ。幼少よりアレルギー体質。故に医者に憧れるも小5の時、父の同期のお医者さんの「患者を殺してしまった。」にショックを受け諦める。(今思えば手術に失敗した、という意味?)その後医者を諦め好きな乗り物... 2020.02.19 未分類
General WORK HISTORY Belonging to Machinery design section in Nagasaki Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industry from April, 1991, to March, 1998... 2020.02.18 General